Monday 7 April 2014

Liebster Award

Thanks to Rhiannon Cooke for the Liebster Award nomination. This was posted to me a few weeks ago but i'm only getting round to it now. The Liebster Award for people who don't know is basically like a chain mail, if you are under 200 followers you can be nominated and will have to answer questions and nominate 11 more bloggers.

Going off other blogs that have posted about The Liebster Award, the rules are as follows:
1. Firstly thank the person that voted for you and kindly leave a link to their site.
2. Write out '11 facts about yourself'.
3. Answer the 11 questions that have been given to you by the person that nominates you.
4. Nominate 11 up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. (I went through bloglovin' and nominated my favourite 11!)
5. Get creative and come up with your own set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Leave a comment on their blog with a link to your post, letting them know you've nominated them for the award and it isn't a spam.

So the 11 Facts About me:
  1. I'm a beauty Junkie
  2. I've a major addiction to lipsticks and nail varnishes
  3. I have major wanderlust, I just love travelling and a s soon as I return home I'm planning my next trip
  4. I love Fifty Shades of Grey and have lost count of the amount of times I've read it
  5. If I could drop everything right now I would move to NYC in a heartbeat
  6. I have misophonia - I basically get into a rage with certain noises and can't be around some people when they eat
  7. I live in Dublin in Ireland and I'm super proud to be Irish
  8. I'm an amazing baker and brownies are my specialty
  9. I have a Netflix binge problem, once I get into a program I need to watch it all
  10. I only have 2 best friends and not many close friends
  11. I wanted to be an Egyptologist when I was a kid - Basically the female Indiana Jones
My questions from Rihannon are:
  1. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I love seeing people like my pages and posts; it makes me so happy to think that someone else likes your work. I also love connecting with new bloggers and reading their posts. It also gives me a great excuse to buy new beauty products I feel like it validates my addiction.

2. What inspired you to create a blog?

So I started off watching beauty blogs, my fave bloggers are Pixiwoo and Jaclyn Hill, I then found that they don't just post videos they have their own blogs. This started me getting into reading other blogs, I also started reading SoSueMe the Suzanne Jackson blog, being an Irish blogger herself and seeing her success really spurred me on. I also buy enough beauty products and would recommend stuff to my friend so I figured why not recommend it to you guys!

3. Do you plan on blogging still in the future or is it more or a 'temporary' thing for you?

I would hope to see it last, I have a full time job so it's not always easy to get a chance to write up posts. So far so good but I suppose if people stop reading then I might stop writing.

4. What is your 'Holy Grail' beauty item?

This is a tough one, I can't live without mascara or eyeliner but when it comes to my favourite beauty product I suppose it's my MAC eyeshadow palette. 

5. Who is your favourite blogger?

I love reading other blogs my favourties are www.sosueme.ie and  but I love watching Pixiwoo's vlog I love those sisters.

6. What is your favourite season?

I love summer, I was born in July so I think that's why, although I do love watching the rain and playing in the snow, but summer will always make me feel young, most of my memories are created during the summer months!

7. Are you a tea or coffee person?

I hate tea, I know that's weird for an Irish person not to like tea put it just tastes like icky water. I only started drinking coffee a few years ago and now I am properly addicted, it has to be made by a barista though I hate granule coffee.

8. What inspired you to start blogging?

I think I answered this for my second question but basically reading other blogs and watching Vlogs.

9. What is your favourite book and why?

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, but I can't stop reading Fifty Shades, I love the story but I think it's just too easy to read I don't like anything too heavy before bed.

10. Do you have any hidden talents?

I have double jointed thumbs that horrify people when they see them.

11. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

NYC or Bruges!! Bruges will be where I retire, but if I could go on up to Dublin Airport right now I'd jump right on an Aer lingus to NYC. I've fallen in love with it, it's amazing, and I know every time I go it won't be the same city, there is always something new to see and do.

Here are my 11 nominations!

My questions for you are:
  1. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
  2. Who is your favourite blogger?
  3. What is your favourite beauty product that you can't live without?
  4. Who or what inspired you to become a blogger?
  5. Facebook or Twitter?
  6. What is top of your bucket list?
  7. What is your favourite beauty brand
  8. Winter or Summer?
  9. Do you think you'll blog in the future?
  10. Night in or night out?
  11. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

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