Wednesday 23 April 2014

Reverse Hair Washing - Conditioner before Shampoo!!!

I'm an avid reader of the Daily Mail online and I have an addiction to the sidebar of shame, which I have no shame in admitting, my day wouldn't be complete if I didn’t know what every single Kardashian was up to!! Now they don't always get it right when it comes to some of their cookie articles but I think for one they have.

So a few weeks ago one article caught my eye - The Secret ofPerfect Hair! With a headline like that I had to give it a read and after I was pretty sceptical but I decided to try it anyway. Seemingly this craze is known as Reverse Hair Washing and it's a new thing sweeping beauty columns.

The first time I tried it was when I had a shower before work and I was in such a rush that I didn’t have time to was my hair properly or dry it. As a result my hair wasn’t that amazing that day.

I tried it again at the weekend seeing as I had more time. The last few weeks I've been noticing that my hair isn’t lasting very long after I’ve washed it. Usually after I've had my hair dyed it helps with my hair lasting an extra day or two but that hasn’t happened. I was contemplating getting a shampoo to clear any build up but I don’t think I'll be needing one now after the results from the Daily Mail article.

What I did was shampoo first, and then put my conditioner on which I usually massage deeply all over and then leave for a few minutes while I shower and exfoliate. So I washed the conditioner off and then shampooed, It's a bit odd to get your head around because usually I jump straight out of the shower once I wash any conditioner out.

I left my hair in the towel for a while and actually let it dry naturally, I only ever use my hairdryer if I'm in a hurry, but if I know I'm going to be at home all day I won't bother.

I didn’t notice the results until the next morning, after brushing and straightening my hair I found it was light, bouncy and full of volume! I was amazed with the results, usually my hair is flat and heavy and you can tell that there is still product in the hair and usually by that evening it will look like it needs another wash!

So this is going to be my new routine from now on. I'm so amazed with the results and my hair has lasted 3 days without needing to be washed, granted the 3rd day I had to use dry shampoo but I’d call that a result!

So give the article a read in the mail, The Secret ofPerfect Hair and give it ago and let me know what your results where.

And if you’re wondering what I used it was the Claudia Schiffer/Schwarkopf Essence Ultime Diamond Color shampoo and conditioner (try saying that ten times!)

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