Sunday 18 May 2014

A day at the zoo

Last week I read in the paper that a new baby giraffe had been born at Dublin Zoo, so today I went off the zoo and have a peep of the little fella.

The weather wasn't as good as it had been at the start of the weekend but it only rained a little and luckily didn't start pouring till we left!

I love going to the Zoo it makes me feel like such a big kid and brings back so many memories of school tours and days out during the holidays with my family!

Every time I go to the zoo there is always something new to see or a new layout or enclosure so it's great when you go once or twice a year it doesn't get boring. I have two baby nephews and I’m dying for them to get a little older so I can bring them along and create so many memories with them. I will definitely be getting the yearly pass when they're older.

I took loads of photos but here are a few of my faves, I hope you enjoy and I recommend heading to the Zoo over the summer it's such a great day out :)

Love Sarah xoxo
The new baby Rothschild Giraffe born on the 7th of May

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