Wednesday 19 February 2014

A very big decision


As pay day looms I have a dilemma - what palette to buy!!!!

I'm thorn between the Smashbox Full Exposure palette or the Urban Decay Smoked palette. I know I will eventually get both of them at some stage but at over €40 each I can't justify getting both at the same time.

I've done swatches of both palettes on my wrists and I was more impressed with the Urban Decay shadows. The pigmentation is pretty impressive I put only a little bit on my finger and the amount of colour you get for such a small amount is amazing. When I swatched the colours I was a little underwhelmed but I have heard some amazing things about this palette and seen some lovely tutorials and what the outcome can be. 

So which one will I get? If you have any opinions let me know, I think i'm leaning more towards the Urban Decay palette especially as I have a lot of neutral colours similar to the Full Exposure palette and I was more impressed on my first opinion of it. So roll on pay day :)

Love Sarah xoxo

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