Friday 21 February 2014

Pennys/Primark - P.S Love Beauty part 1

When it comes to affordability Pennys/Primark is the Queen of it. Just this month Penny's have launched a new makeup range P.S Love Beauty and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. I picked up a few things and tested them out this is only part 1 of my P.S Love Beauty blog post as there is so much to show I had to divide it up. 

Starting off we have this little eye shadow palette at €3.50, it's a great deal for 10 little shadows. The outside packaging is very pretty but when you take it out of the box its pretty plain, but it's whats on the inside that counts isn't it. 
When I saw it first I thought the colours where very similar to the original Urban Decay Naked palette, especially the dark blue at the beginning of the palette. It comes with a little eyeshadow wand which is handy but the tip broke after a few minutes of using it and I could'nt get it back into the stick, I probably wouldn't have used it anyway.
As you can see from the swatches on my arm they don't come up to well but they are build-able so just keep at it and they will come up, i'd also recommend using an eyelid primer or a good long wear concealer just to keep everything in place and make the colour stick and last a bit longer. 
I also got some shadow sticks (€1.50 each), I could only get my hands on the Purple and Cocoa (I think that's what its called I don't have it in front of me), they also have a gold one but they had none available in the Penny's that I was in. I havnt done a look with them yet but I was impressed by the look of them. The purple is really metallic and the Cocoa is less metallic but has a bit of sparkle to it, they looked great when I swatched them and they seem to stay on for a long time without budging!

I'm saving the best till last with this one, they call it a blusher but it is a gorgeous bronze highlighter (€2) that can double as an eyeshadow. I just cant explain how much I love this product, you all need to go out and get it. If you use a light amount of product on the tops of your cheekbones it will give you a lovely glowing highlight and using your prefered eyeshadow brush it will be great on your lids and seeing as bronzed golden eye looks are all they rage for spring/summer i'd recommend popping down to your local Pennys/Primark and getting your hands on this beauty!!

So this is just some of the products that caught my eye from the new P.S Love Beauty collection, the only thing that I don't love is that there are no names on the colours except for the eyeshadow sticks but other than that I can't really fault it, the range goes from €1.50 and the most I paid for one item was €3.50. You can find out more information at,ps-love-beauty-range-new-at-primark.

Have a good weekend guys, 
Love Sarah xoxo

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