Sunday 23 February 2014

Pennys/Primark P.S Love Beauty - Part 2

This is Part 2 of my Pennys/Primark P.S Love Beauty range post, this time it's about my favourite subject - LIPs!!!! 

Now some people say I have an "out of control" addiction to lipstick and any lip product in general but I choose to ignore them all and continue to buy on a regular basis (OK so maybe it's a little excessive) but when I saw these Penny's lipsticks for only 2 euro each I had to pick up all the ones I could get my hands on. 
So I got 8 of them - 5 lipsticks, 2 lip gloss crayons and a lip stain pen. I'm so impressed by the quality of these products i'm still shocked that they're from Penny's. 

Firstly we have the 5 lipsticks, now not all the packaging is the same some have black lids and some are clear, the clear packaging reminded me a little of the Topshop Makeup design which makes it more expensive than it actually is. I loved the look of all the colours on me except for the nude brown, but nudes have never ever look good on me. I think it's because my lips are naturally very red so putting any nude brown on me makes me look very washed out. 
Now none of the colours in the range have names on them which I do miss, especially as I bought two red shades in the lipsticks - one with a black lid and one with a clear lid. I did in the end after much scrutiny find out that they where different, the lipstick with the black lid is a bit more of a pillar box red and the lipstick with the clear lid is more of a pinky red. 
The surprise favourite was the purple lipstick, which on first glance looks like a really dark purple (I thought it was going to make me look a bit grunge) but when tested it's actually very wearable, so much so I've worn it into work a few times.

None of the colours give either a matte look of an overly shiny lip, the balance is perfect. The darker red and purple when worn off leave a stain on your lips which I personally love and overall the lipsticks do last for some time - obviously after eating and drinking they do fade.

Onto the moisturising lip gloss crayons and when they say moisturising they really are. I can't remember if there are any other colours than these two, I suppose i'll have to go back to Penny's to test :) 
We have a light baby pink that has a little glitter in it which you might think your going to look like a 12 year old but it actually works and isn't too in your face. You can feel the glitter between your lips when you rub them together but lets just think of it as exfoliating on the go. The second is a hot pink, which is a bit more creamy than the other gloss and has a great pigment on it but isn't so over the top that your left looking like Barbie.
Finally we have the lip stain stick, the only other time I have bought a lips stain stick was with MaxFactor and it wasn't the best (that's me putting it very nicely), so I wasn't expecting much from this but I was surprised by it. It really does what it says on the package and does stain your lips for a good part of the day but it did leave them a bit dry so I would recommend putting a clear gloss or lip balm on top.

And I think that's it, overall I love everything about this new Pennys/Primark range, it's such a delight to see affordable makeup that looks and feels like it should be more expensive. I definitely recommend these products both from this post and my previous review on the new P.S Love Beauty range that I've tested out, I've missed out on a few bits especially the nail polishes so I might have another post in the future on them just keep your eye's peeled.

Thanks for reading guys, don't forget to like, subscribe, share, follow and everything in between, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Love Sarah xoxo

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