Thursday 27 February 2014

NYC Big Bold Volume Vs Yves Saint Laurent Babydoll

Can you tell the difference?

I'm a sucker for makeup dupes; any way I can get the same result from a cheaper product than spending a fortune on a high end one is always a good thing!
Both of these I bought after seeing reviews from other bloggers - So Sue Me and Casey Holmes.

 I bought the YSL Babydoll during the sales in Debenhams for €32.50 which came with a small bottle of YSL Instant Eye Makeup Remover. When I watched Casey Holmes on YouTube test it out I knew I had to have it. When I used it first the results where instantaneous, the wand is so fine and doesn't have that much product on it, so I didn't think it was going to do much but the lashes became separated, coated evenly and  gave huge amount of volume. It lasts all day as well so you won't be needing to top it up later in the day and when it comes to taking it off you'll need industrial grade eye makeup remover (No joke this stuff isn't budging).

I'm an avid reader of the So Sue Me blog and when I saw her rave about the NYC Big Bold Volume Mascara I just had to see what all the fuss was about. I bought mine in Pennys, I think you can get it in some chemists also. This was a lot cheaper than the YSL mascara coming in at only €3.49. The wand is very similar to the Babydoll wand but holds more product. It can get a bit clumpy on application but going over your lashes a few times helps make them more separated.  

YSL Babydoll (left), NYC Big Bold (right) 

After using both mascaras for a few weeks I noted that they both gave very similar results, so one day I wore both mascaras, one on each eye. Honestly I couldn't really tell the difference and half way through the day I completely forgot which one was which. 
I did a little survey as well and asked all my friends could they tell the difference and the results were pretty much split down the middle.
I did get better compliments on the lashes that had the YSL on them though, with some people saying that I looked like I had false lashes on.
Overall I preferred the NYC mascara, I probably won't be buying the YSL again unless it's on offer and really it's purely for the fact that I get pretty much the exact same result from the NYC than the YSL for a fraction of the cost.

Love Sarah xoxo

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