Tuesday 18 November 2014

All About MEME – MEMEBox Special OMG3 #42 and Superbox #58 Lipstick Box

I had seen on Youtube a while back some beauty vloggers talking about Memebox, a Korean Beauty Box service, but it wasn’t until I had seen Leanne from Blather and Beauty do a few posts on it that I thought it would be something that I would be interested in.

Firstly unlike most beauty box companies you don’t have to sign up to Memebox on a rolling subscription, you can pick and choose from a different assortment of boxes so there isn’t any worry about making a commitment and then it not working out for you.

What I love about these boxes is that they contain beauty items that most of us have never heard of from Korea. Korean beauty products are becoming a lot more popular in the west as they are very good quality and also little quirky. The boxes are also pretty cheap compared to Glossybox or other subscription boxes, for one, you get full size items, I didn’t get any samples in my boxes and some of the products can be $20+.


In each box you get a card explaining the details of the product, the price and how to use it. You better keep these cards because if you’re not well up on your Korean you’ll be a little lost as all the products packaging is in Korean.


The First Box I received was the Superbox #58 Lipstick box. What drew me to this box was that I knew I was getting all lipsticks and as a lipstick junkie I knew this was going to be a good one.
I will say at first I was slightly disappointed in what I got. There were a few too many nude colours for my liking and also because I had never heard of the brands I felt I had nothing to get excited about, but I have actually grown to love everything in the box. After discovering that nudes do look good on me (click here to find out more) I did fall in love with all the colours and after reading up on the brands the excitement started to build.
The box contained 5 full sized lipsticks. In total the box contained $101worth of lipsticks, converted that’s €81 and seeing as I paid $33.99/€27.30 I am pretty pleased with what I got.


The second box I received was the Special #42 OMG3. I had heard how querky these boxes can be so I figured I’d try this one out. I received 5 full sized items, not all entirely odd but still I think I will get use out of at least 4 of the products.
I got a bar of soap in it which is a bit weird, I don’t know anyone who uses a bar of soap so this was definitely odd, it turns into a cleansing oil when you use it on the face so I might get use out of it, only time will tell. I then got a Donkey oil mist, which is a moisturising spray. It even says on the card that Cleopatra used donkey milk in her baths so if it was good enough for her than I can’t see why I won’t like it. It also has a lovely smell which is a bonus.
The Bee Venom and Honey cream was next, I’ve heard that Kate Middleton uses bee venom on her face so it can’t be that bad. This is a moisturiser, it takes a while to dry into your skin so if you have dry skin this would really suit you and even though I have oily skin it didn’t leave me greasy at all. I will probably use it more as a night cream as it is slightly too thick. After the lipstick box I’m sure I don’t need any more but they threw in the Tonymoly lip crayon which glows in the dark, I can’t wait to wear this one on a night out.
Finally they put in the Tosowoong Platinum Pore Tightening mask and as I’ve been on a mud mask buzz this was right up my alley. I’ve tried it a few times and after each go my pores have shrunk, it smells a bit funky but it works so it has a thumbs up from me. The box cost $35.99/€28.90 and has products worth $152/€122 honestly I’ve never come across a beauty box that gives so much.


Will I buy from Memebox again?? I think I will, they have some weird but wonderful products and the fact you get full sized items and the overall price is nearly triple of what you initially paid it really ticks all the boxes for me.

Find out more about Memebox HERE.

Thanks for reading.

Love Sarah xoxo

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