Wednesday 11 June 2014

Weigh in Wednesday Week 1

It’s been a week since I started watching my weight. It hasn’t been the best of weeks but I have been doing well.

I’ve decided not to weigh myself during this process, in the past when I’ve weighed myself I became very obsessive about it and would weigh myself every day and sometimes twice a day, so this time I’m just going to judge it by how well my clothes fit, I feel that will be the healthiest option for both my body and my mind.

Typical amount of steps before starting Weigh In Wednesday

I’ve been using my Fitbit to check how much I’ve been moving around and I’m doing a lot better than I have been doing, I’m putting this down to walking my brothers dog and because I’ve been getting the tram into work it means I’ve to do a little extra bit of walking to and from work!

Since watching my weight I've been getting over 10,000 steps daily

I’ll be back home this weekend after house sitting for my brother so I’ll be back in the gym from Sunday! My membership doesn’t run out till September so I might as well make the most of it till then!
I’ve decided to cut out starchy carbs such as bread, wraps and chips, this could be tough seeing as I make a wrap every day for my lunch. I’m also going to have to stop going near the biscuits in work, we have a tea club and every day there’s always the nicest cookies floating around and by 3 o’clock you need that sugar fix to get you through that last stretch in the day. I think I’ll just have to bring a better variety of fruit into work, I already bring 2-3 apples and 1-2 bananas that I eat more my little break and for lunch so maybe some melon or mango for the afternoon will give me that sugar hit I need.

Thanks for reading and for the positive comments I received from last week’s Weigh in Wednesday post and if you have any tips let me know!
Love Sarah xoxo

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