Wednesday 18 June 2014

Weigh In Wednesday | Week 2

I found a lipstick that helps you lose's called super glue. ♡ Dieting Humor ♡
Week 2 of Weigh In Wednesday and this week was a doozie!

It was pretty depressing! Last Saturday was my friends 21st and the mission was to look amazing and find the perfect dress.

Last Wednesday I got my nails done and a spray tan, firstly a tan us always good to make you look that bit better, I’m not sure if it makes you look slimmer or anything but it’s always better to have that healthy glow than to look pasty.

I had also bought a gorgeous dress that week, but silly me didn’t try it on when I bought, I presumed as it was my size that it would be all good. When I decided to try it on it fitted everywhere but my ass, it didn’t look too bad but it meant the dress was made a lot shorter so I made the decision to head out and look for a new dress.
Weight humor

I thought I just had to go into River Island or New Look and pick up a dress and be done with it but instead I had the most emotional day of shopping I ever had!

I tried on numerous dresses in my size (12) and when they didn’t fit I went and tried them on in a size 14. When the size 14’s weren’t fitting I seriously thought I was going to have a panic attack. Again some of the dresses didn’t fit because my Kim K ass was getting in the way and then the fact that I have pretty much no chest meant that it would be hanging at the top and tight as anything at the bottom. I really don’t know what the story is my proportions are all over the place.

I ended up getting a lose dress from River Island which I liked (not loved) and was all set to get ready. Unfortunately even before I could get to the party and I had to go home sick! Seriously it was just getting worse.

Luckily because I hadn’t been well the last few days it meant I haven’t been eating much, unfortunately I’ve ended up getting it back and then some!

So this week I know will be better, with the good weather I always eat better, I find I never have as much of an appetite when it’s hot outside and the food is always so much fresher and lighter, so I have high hopes for a good healthy week.

Thanks for reading!

Love Sarah xoxo

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