Wednesday 4 June 2014

Weigh in Wednesday

Fat, flabby, chubby, large, round, I could go on, but on a daily basis when I look in the mirror these are the words that pop into my head.
Like many of you I’ve struggled with my wait for the best part of my life, I've gone from size 8 to size 16. I've gotten larger over the years and reached a massive 13st 5lbs two years ago but thanks to Weight Watchers (my 2nd attempt) I managed to drop to just under 10st. What spurred me on was my boyfriend going to Australia, he went for the year and I really want to look like a new woman for when he returned. But since he came back I’ve slowly put the weight back on. I had put about a stone back on and had managed to keep it steady for a good while, in the last 3 months though I have seriously ballooned up and I am ready to lose it again, so each Wednesday I will be talking about how much weight I have lost (hopefully), what I do at the gym and what I’ve been eating.

Once I get into losing weight I do become very motivate and really into it so I’m excited for that.

I think I have gained a lot of weight in the last few months because I have been moved to a different location in my job. I have a Fitbit Flex which counts my steps and working in the city every day and running around the office meant I was getting 10000 steps each day (the recommend amount we should all be doing a day) and now I've been moved out of the city and I’m getting the bus straight to and from the door of the office and I’m sitting at my desk from the time I get in to the time I leave. I'm also very lazy and once I’m home its soap central, from 7 till 9 I'm watching soaps, I love that trash.

The reason I want to lose weight is because I’ve put so much weight on none of my clothes are fitting me now and I don't want to buy anymore when I’ve a wardrobe full of really nice clothes. It's also almost summer and I'm going to loads of outdoor concerts and I want to wear my shorts and dresses, and finally my birthday is in a month and I really want to look pretty and really it all boils down to looking pretty!

So keep an eye out for my post every Wednesday to see how I’m getting on.

Thanks for reading!

Sarah xoxo


  1. Very very brave of you doing this on your blog. I for sure will be following every pound. I had my first session at the gym tonight so I'll be doing this with you. Good on you 💪

  2. Thanks Donna, it will be tough but I think this is the motivation I need! Hope you don't feel to sore in the morning #nopainnogain :)
