Wednesday 10 September 2014

Benefit They're Real Trio | Review

While I love mascara I don’t always think you need to have the most expensive one in your makeup bag to give you the best results and I always told myself that I didn’t need the Benefit They’re Real mascara but when I was in the airport and saw it in a little bundle with the new Push Up Liner and the Remover I couldn’t resist buying it.

Now this was supposed to be a big They’re Real post with the liner and remover but I’ve mislaid the eyeliner. It’s in my room somewhere but it’s such a mess I just can’t find it right now so do look forward to that post in the next week or so. I’m an actual disaster sometimes when it comes to losing things.

Anyhow since buying the mascara it has been one of two mascaras that

I have been wearing over the last two months and has definitely gone into my top 5 favourite mascaras.

I’ll start with the packaging and the wand. I love the sleek mirrored exterior and just like other benefit products it does have that retro/vintage design. The wand is something else, it’s plastic with bristles all over including the top. Having so many bristles means that you don’t get any clumps, which is hard to come by when you have such a volumising mascara.

The formula is extremely black and with one swipe you get instant volume but giving it 2 to 3 coats really pumps it up, doubling them in size. The tip of the wand has added bristles so it means you can get every lash, top and bottom.

This is such a long lasting mascara and doesn’t lose volume throughout the day. Which is a good and bad thing as the only problem I have with it is that it’s too long lasting. It’s an absolute bitch to take it off and even using the new They’re Real Remover you don’t get it fully off. I’ve also fallen asleep with it on and you don’t wake up looking like a panda, in fact I think my lashes looked better, whatever way I slept on the pillow seemed to curl them. Saying all that I obviously wouldn’t recommend falling asleep with makeup on, I was very bold that night.

At €26.00 it is pretty expensive for a mascara and I probably wouldn’t have bought it if it wasn’t in a bundle with the new Push Up liner and remover, but I’m pretty happy that I now have it in my collection. If you do want it but don’t want to spend the money the Bourjois 1 Seconde Volume mascara is a great cheaper alternative to it.

As a mascara it really does live up to all the hype which is refreshing to see a product do what it actually claims to, definitely a 9/10 product.

What do you guys think? Is it worth it? Do you love it or hate it? I’d love to hear what you think!

Thanks for reading.

Love Sarah xoxo

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