Sunday 14 September 2014

Penneys Haul

If you don’t know already I’m heading off to Florida on Wednesday. I’ve been saving like mad but I popped into Penneys yesterday and the whole spending ban kind of went of the window. I did buy stuff for the hols and a lot of it was on sale, all those €3’s seem to add up very quickly though!

When I went in I went over to the sale rail as they were selling off their summer clothes. I grabbed this striped maxi dress which was only €3.00. I love the spaghetti straps, I’m just hoping the horizontal stripes don’t make me look huge.

I then found this denim dress for €7.00. It’s a light fabric which will be great in the heat and love how it’s a bit longer at the back.

The denim shorts weren’t in the sale but I couldn’t resist, I haven’t tried them on yet so fingers crossed they look alright on me. These where €13.00.

I have a few sandals and runners for the holidays but these cute little runners where only €4.00 and looked very summery. Fingers crossed they don’t cut the feet off me walking around the parks.

I then went round to the beauty section which is where I think I did the most damage.

I picked up this roller ball perfume for €2.50, I’d never seen it before and thought it’s cheap enough that if I didn’t like it then it won’t have caused too much of a dent in my purse. It’s a lovely fresh yet musky scent but you need to get close to it to get a proper sniff of it.

These revitalising eye pads looked really interesting, I can’t wait to see use them. If they work out good I might bring them to use them on the plane.

I then got these toothbrush holders, I just thought they were handy to put on my toothbrush and chuck into my case.

I don’t need any more nail polishes but it wouldn’t be a haul for me if there wasn’t some nail polish in the mix. I couldn’t say no to this little box of 12 mini polishes just look how cute they are and only €3. I think they’re for children but I’m a big kid and just couldn’t resist.

I’m trying not to pack so much and I know my skincare will take up the most space in my bag so I had to get these travel bottles to but my face wash and creams into, these where only €1.50.

To save even more space I got these oil balancing wipes to take off my makeup, I usually use a cleansing oil to take my makeup off but I think that will be too messy to bring the oil with me so I’ll use the wipes to take off the first layer of makeup and then go in with my usual routine. These where only €1.50 for a two pack – bargain!

I don’t know when I’ll use these but these lashes where only 50 cent each.

This ombre polish topcoat was really intriguing to me. You put different layers on your nails and it creates a graduated look. It was only €3.49 and I can’t wait to try it out when I take my Shellac off to see if it works.

I’ve been trying out a foundation that will be in an upcoming review and it hasn’t really worked with any of my foundation brushes so I decided to get a blender to try something new. It’s only €1.50 so we’ll see if it makes a difference.

Finally I got this PS Love Beauty lipstick, I got it because I don’t think I have this colour from their collection. It’s only €2.00 and smells like the fizzy stuff inside of a Refresher bar.

That’s it, I bought one or two things extra like socks and boring stuff like that. Just have to pack up everything now and I’ll be all set J

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