Friday 7 March 2014

Rimmel Scandaleyes Rockin' Curves Mascara | Review

The new mascara love of my life!! 

This is the latest in the Scandaleyes collection for Rimmel and boy is it a goody. It's a bargain at only €7.65 (I got mine in Boots). Everything about this mascara ticked the boxes for me and then some. 
Firstly the packaging has a textured snake skin effect which I've never seen before, not on a drugstore product anyway, and the tubes are in the same shape as the other Scandaleyes products.

When it comes to the wand it's AWESOME!!!! It's a curved wand, my first mascara with a curved wand ever and I don't know how I've survived without one. When I first tried it I was a bit like "Whoa what’s going on here", but I soon got the hang of it. One swipe of the wand and it gets literally every single lash; usually I’ll have to go from one side of my lashes to the other to get the same amount of coverage but not with this beauty as it perfectly hugs the lash line to get maximum coverage. I've only in the last year started putting mascara on my bottom lashes and the tip of the wand is amazing for getting at those little ones, whether it's made for it or not the tip is absolutely perfect for bottom lashes.

Now I don't know if it's the wand or if it's the mascara in the tube but there are no clumps what so ever, like none at all!! Each lash is separated perfectly and gives great volume too. It's also great long wearing mascara, by the time I’m going to bed I’m usually a hot panda looking mess but not anymore as my eyes look just as good as they did when I first put it on. As you can see in the photo's below it looks like I just put a fresh coat on, but this is just before I went to bed after a good 15 hours of wear!

After 15 hours of wear

This is so far is my star buy of the year, definitely in my February Favourites and I have a feeling I'll be buying this one again! I've finally found a product that does what it promise in their description. So do yourself a favour, get out there and buy this mascara, you will be thanking me when you do.

Before (No make up at all)
After (Full face of makeup)

Enjoy your day!
Love Sarah xoxo

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