Saturday 8 March 2014

The most inspirational woman in my life

To celebrate International Woman's Day these are the 5 woman that I find inspiration in my life every day. 

1) My Mommy 

She works tirelessly and looks after me every day, she's the best mother in the world, I give her so much grief on a daily basis and still manages to love me. She always thinks of others and puts her family before herself a trait that she got from her mother and one that has been passed onto me.

2) My Nanny
My Nanny passed away last year at the ripe old age of 91, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her. She had a lot of struggle in her life but she survived no matter what God through at her. She worked hard for her family and just like my mother put others before herself. So much of my memories as a child and teenager involve my Nan and being in her house, it won't be an easy feat to forget her.

3) Beyonce
This woman is such an inspiration to so many women around the world. She speaks to me on so many levels. She has such an amazing talent, a flawless human being, an amazing mother and by the looks of it a wonderful wife. 

4) Jaclyn Hill
Now not many people might not of Jaclyn on this side of the pond but if you look at beauty vlogs on YouTube you definitely have her on your subscription list (well at least I do). Jaclyn was one of the first vloggers I subscribed to on YouTube and I love watching her tutorials, she's thought me so much. This woman gives me such brow envy, like they are perfect and her makeup every time is amazing. She's an inspiration to me because she is so confident, so funny (her out takes are hilarious) and she's one of the reasons I started blogging, I'll never have the confidence to do my own video tutorials like she does but blogging is a start. And I can't leave without saying BUTTERY!

5) Michelle Obama
I love the First Lady because she could have stood in the shadow of Obama and have followed by his side for his engagements like many first ladies have done in the past but she decided to take the bull by the horns and do her own thing. She is such a great speaker and has worked on many campaigns involving the young children of America to eat healthy and stay fit, she has great wit and god whatever about my eyebrow envy for Jaclyn's brows Michelle's arms are the most stunning arms I've seen on a woman.

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