Tuesday 5 August 2014

Out of My Comfort Zone - Laughter Yoga

Yesterday I went to Laughter Yoga with two of my friends. Karen of Bright With Delight had asked us to go and I just thought to myself sure feck it you really do only live once, what’s the worst that could happen. It is really out of my comfort zone but I was really happy to do it.
I didn’t know what to expect but seeing as I was with the girls I didn’t feel that awkward. When we got there we sat around in a circle and it was explained to us that we would be doing 20 exercises all containing a bit of laughter.

It was all a bit awkward as we had to laugh out loud and make a lot of eye contact with people, but after a while it all felt a little normal. At some points we had to pretend we were animals, hug people, shake hands, pretend we were dinosaurs and all different degrees of laughter was involved but it was literally such a laugh. If anyone walked in from the street it probably looked like we were let loose from an insane asylum but it all felt normal to us.

I love yoga and my favourite is Bikram, I just think it is so much better than the normal yoga and it’s still my favourite even after the class last night, but I do think I would do the laughter yoga again. It felt great just to let everything go and feel free from what everyone thinks about you. I think people take life too seriously these days and the idea that you can go to this class and let your inhibitions go and not care what people think of you is just a great feeling.

There’s so many benefits of the class to your health and as the saying goes, “laughter is the best medicine”. You feel so content and relaxed after the class, if you’re in anyway feeling low or in a rut I would recommend this class it will do wonders for you.

I’m so happy Karen introduced me to the laughter yoga, she’s one of the most positive people I know and the class embodied her personality so much, we’ve even said that we should do random classes like this every few weeks and I hope that we do as it’s such a great night out and we get to bond that little bit more.

Thanks for reading and if you have any ideas of what class we should next just leave a comment below.

Have a great day guys!

Love Sarah xoxo

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