Saturday 9 August 2014

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Review

These Rouge Edition Velvet Lipsticks are amazing. I bought one a good few months ago when they first came out but I didn’t love all the shades but late last month they released 2 more colours that where a bit more up my street. There are a total of 8 in the collection now (€10.49 each) and if you haven’t tried them yet you need to!

The cream velvet formula leaves your lips feeling like silk on application, all you want to do is rub your lips together when you apply it and I do, a lot. The lipstick dries as a matte after a minute or two and when fully dry will stay on your lips for a long while. As these are a highly pigmented lipstick even if the product starts to wear off the colour will have stained on your lips but without leaving a ring of colour around them that you might get with other lip products.

The applicator is also pretty amazing, you can just swipe it over and it gets perfectly around the lips so no need to line them and if you do go over the lip line you have a few seconds before it dries if you do make any mistakes.

I’m in love with these lipsticks, the packaging is sleek and so handy that I’ve had one or two of the in my handbag since I got them. I hate it when you pop a lippy in your bag and the lid comes off ruining your bag and the lipstick.

The first colour I bought when the collection came out was Olé Flamingo and it’s a bright hot pink. For me it’s not an everyday colour but it’s one for the weekend or a night out.

If you’re new to Beauty Blunders then you’ll not know that I have an obsession with dark lip colours, although this summer I’ve been trying my best to wear some more brighter colours. This shade called Grand Cru, I really couldn’t resist it it’s just the most perfect dark vampy red which is my favourite kind of red.

I’m saving the best for last, Nude-ist, I’ve been wearing it nearly every day. I don’t wear nudes but this is more of a pink brown which I think suits me a bit better. 90’s colours seem to be coming back on the scene and this reminds me of something from that era and it’s also along the lines of the colour Kylie Jenner has been sporting recently so if you’re into those looks I’d really recommend this one for you.

I’m hoping they bring out even more colours because I’m in love with these and I don’t think any other companies have anything similar.
Thanks for reading!
Love Sarah xoxo

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