Monday 4 August 2014

July Favourites

Looking back on July I seemed to have fit in a lot in such a short few weeks!

It started off with my birthday on the second and it was the start on a week of busy concerts. The night of my birthday I went to Kanye West and I was so pleased to say that I got ID'd and seeing as I had turned 26 that day and I was feeling like an oul one this made me extremely happy. Then on the Friday I went to see The Kings of Leon which was just the best concert I think I've been to, at least top ten, mainly because it had fireworks at the end which I don’t think I’ve ever seen at the end of concert.
On both occasions I wore what are my new favourite wellies. They are €20 from Dunnes Stores, I’m not sure if they still have them or not. They look like biker boots and only go have way up the calf which is far cooler to me than looking like you've just come back from milking a herd of cows.
Penneys/Primark also have a similar pair for €18.00.

Ice Cold Baby!
On these long hot summer days and being stuck in the office while it seems that everyone and their mother are out sunning themselves there was nothing more I want after work was a drink and a laugh and for a few days during the summer I got to get my lips around some cocktails and my favourite has to be a strawberry daiquiri. They are so refreshing and cooling and sometimes just a little too easy to drink (Remember kids always drink responsibly).

I’ve also discovered Iced Caramel Macchiatos and Butlers do the absolute best ones. I’m trying not to have them all the time but they are so addictive. If you haven’t tried them yet then you’re missing out.

Bourjois Volume 1 Seconde mascara

I’ve been loving this mascara in July. I’ve played around with a few this month but I’ve seemed to always come back to it. It’s so black and long wearing and instantly volumises your lashes. I’ve written a post already about it so check it out here.

Crown Brush UK Metal Madness palette

Another I’ve written a post about (click here). I picked this palette up at the Crown Brush UK stand at IMATS London. I instantly fell in love with it, the colour pay off and pigmentation is crazy and used with MAC Fix+ makes the colours pop even more. I’ve used the palette a good few times this month for day and night looks, it’s was easily one of the best buys from the many things I bought at IMATS.

Fix+ MAC

This has been my saviour this month, not only does it make my eye shadows from my new Metal Madness palette pop but it cools and sets my makeup. It’s been so hot this July that as soon as I’ve stepped out of the shower I’ve been in near collapse with the heat so I’ve reached for my bottle of Fix+ and sprayed it all over my face and it instantly cooled me down. It was great for setting my makeup too, it seemed pointless in doing a full face of makeup only to have it half melted down my face by the time I’ve reached the house door, so a couple spritz of this and I was flying.

Victoria Secret Bombshell

Every time I go to the States or to London I always find myself in a Victoria Secrets store and I’m a sucker for their fragrances. My absolute favourite is Bombshell, I always get it in the spray rather than the perfume as its way cheaper. I think I have about 2-3 bottles floating about my room. I hadn’t worn it in a good few weeks and when I came across it I fell in love all over again. To me it smells like a man’s after shave but in a good way, along the lines of Abercrombie & Fitch Fierce but more girly. I just love it.

I’m sure I have more favourites but these are the ones that have really been my obsession all month. I’m sure I’ll have a good few favourites next month as I’ve been trying not to spend much this month but until then have a great Saturday and thanks for reading. If you have any comments just pop them below.

Love Sarah xoxo

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