Tuesday 8 July 2014

Metal Madness | Crown Brush UK Palette Review

2 weekends ago I went to IMATS London with the Gurlos and had a blast. I was literally in makeup Heaven and blew most of my pounds in the short time that I was there!

The first stand we went to was the Crown Brush UK and this is where I spent most of my money. I had planned on buying brushes and their blush palette as I knew they would be cheaper than their online prices. What I didn’t plan on buying and what I was so happy I did buy was their Metal Madness palette which I got for £18.99 (or it was £21.99 I can’t remember) which is usually £24.95 (€31.19).

The palette has 88 colours (that’s right girls 88 fricking colours) and are all highly pigmented. As the name suggests the palette is full of metal colours and they are so shimmery I was so impressed with the colour pay off especially for the amount of colours you get and the price you pay.

So this is the look I did using all the colours from the palette, I wanted to use only colours from the palette just to see how well everything would look, I think next time I’ll be using some matte colours just to help blend everything out a bit more. I think I did a good job using just metallic colours though.

There is only a little fall out which really impressed me because usually with cheaper palettes you will get a lot of fall out with can ruin your face if you’ve already put your foundation on.
A little tip if you wet the shadow with something like MAC Fix+ the eyeshadows will look even more metallic and iridescent.

I definitely recommend this palette especially if you’re like myself and have more matte colours than metallic, definitely a 10/10 for this one!

Thanks for reading and I’ll have a few more posts on the my IMATS adventure soon.

Love Sarah xoxo

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