Friday 25 July 2014

Top Tips for Tip Top Lips

Some people were born with perfect teeth, glossy hair, bigger chested and somewhere "naturally" gifted like Kim K or Nicki Mina in the rear area, I myself have been blessed with full lips (all natural I assure you).

To keep my lips in tip top shape I follow 3 important rules:

1.       Stay Hydrated
2.       Exfoliate
3.       Moisturise

In this hot hot weather I try to drink as much as possible, even in the winter it’s  more important as you have dry air from heaters trying to turn you in to a piece of dried fruit! Anything above a litre and I’m doing well, but I aim to have between a litre and 2 litres a day.

Secondly I exfoliate, I recall telling friends that I exfoliate my lips and I just remember them looking at me funny, but you lips are skin too and need to be exfoliated to stay smooth and soft just like any other bit of skin on your body.
I use the Lush Lip scrub in the flavour Popcorn; it’s so sweet and tastes like toffee popcorn. I rub it on my lips about once a week – while I do think lips should be exfoliated the skin in that area is very thin so you don’t need to be going overboard.  I just do it in the mornings when I wash my face and make sure that my lips are wet when I do it as rubbing it in dry is just too harsh.
If I don’t have my lip scrub I also use my toothbrush which works just as well!

To finish I moisturise using any lip balms that I can get my hands on. I’m loving coconut at the moment with it being the summer so I’ve been using the Body Shop Lip Butters and the Balmi lip cubes, both in Coconut. A little tip for you – I keep a pot in the fridge so that it when I apply it, especially on hot days like today , it cools you down immediately and it also stops it from melting, I don’t know how many times I have put my whole finger into a melted tub of lip balm.

So that's how I keep my lips in tip top form, everybody has a part of their body that they love more than the rest and I love my lips so it’s important that I keep them in good nick!

Enjoy the weekend girls :)

Love Sarah xoxo

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