Wednesday 9 July 2014

Bourjois Volume 1 Seconde - The Best Low Cost Mascara on the Market!

I love my mascaras, the more volume they give the better.
I had second thoughts about buying this mascara as I thought I didn’t need it (eh yea that didn’t last long, when do I not need a bright shiny new mascara) but after reading numerous reviews I decided to give it a go, I think I also got it for free when I was on a 3 for 2 Raid in Boots.

Firstly the packaging is awesome; it’s so sleek and shiny and gives it a look that it costs a few bucks. Then we have the wand which is really really good, I usually prefer the regular bristles you get on wands rather than plastic ones but this plastic wand has definitely won me over. I put my love of it down to its uniqueness; the wand is patented and comes with teeny tiny balls in between the bristles giving you an “instant 360° Volume”.
The Volume 1 Seconde Mascara not only instantly volumises but makes your lashes separate thanks to its bristles and little balls (minds out of the gutters ladies). The formula is also a one of the blackest blacks I have seen in a drugstore brand.

This is a long lasting mascara also, the blurb on the website says that it gives up to 16hrs hold with the waterproof offering 24hrs, and I can definitely agree with them as I put my makeup on around 7 in the morning and by 11 at night when I’m taking my makeup off it is still looking as fresh as when I put it on and after going to 2 concerts in the last week and a half where I was drenched by torrential rain it does last in all weathers. That being said I probably wouldn’t want to be jumping into any pools with it on and giving it a good wetting just in case!
Sorry for the droopy eyes, I wasn't long out of bed
It does say easy to remove but it does take a bit more effort than other mascaras that I have used in the past so that would be the only fault that I would have with it. I can only imagine what the waterproof one is like if I have a bit of trouble with the regular one.
This has to get a 9½/10 for me and that’s just me being picky for not coming off as easy as it says it would!
The Bourjois Volume 1 Seconde Mascara is a big hit with myself and I have been wearing it nearly every day since I started using it. It will only set you back €12.99 and let me tell you it’s worth every penny!!
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Love Sarah xoxo

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